Thursday, August 17, 2006


Has it really been five days since my last post? This week is just flying by. Caitlin's first day of school was Tuesday morning. Russel and I both went to drop her off. She did great! It was so quiet without her home that morning. Almost made me want to go pick her up and bring her back home! But, she is having fun, making friends, and learning new things. I just can't believe my baby girl is old enough for preschool! :(

Okay, I have to vent a little about this HEAT wave! It is getting ridiculous. Even with the A/C running all day long, I feel hot and sticky in my own house. Yesterday it was 111 degrees!! The kids don't have a summer--it's too darn hot to do anything at all outside. People die in this kind of heat! I actually packed them up and took them to the indoor playground at McDonald's yesterday to get out of the heat. ahhhhhh! Forget calgon, I'll take a super size coke, sit on a plastic chair and smell the scent of sweaty kids and dirty socks wafting through the air.... That is what it is like at those indoor playgrounds. But, I didn't care as long as it was below 90 degrees in that place (which it was, thankfully). Have I mentioned that I am ready for fall? Or winter even? Bring it on!

I'm really looking forward tomorrow. Why you ask? Well, for starters, it is Friday. But that's just the icing. Tomorrow the hubby and I get to go away for a mini 24 hr vacation. We aren't going far, but it will be nice to get out of the house and see a comedy improv show and spend some time together sans kids. Of course, they will surely find their way into our date night conversation (I wonder what Caitlin is doing? I hope Morgan is okay...Do you think they brushed her teeth?) But we'll try to keep it to a minimum because it's rare that we get out alone. This is sort of a late anniversary celebration for us. :)

So, that probably means I won't be posting tomorrow or Saturday, but hopefully on Sunday I'll have some new pictures to share. Have a great weekend!!


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