Saturday, July 29, 2006

Movie Night

Wow! Firstly, thanks for your comments on the new Catherine kit. I am so so happy that you like it! If you create some lo's with it (or any other of my designs) I'd love to see! :) Send me a link so I can leave you some love! I am glad I upgraded my account with 'you send it' because the previous two kits have had over 400 dls already. (um, where are my 400 comments?? LOL!) Once it reaches 500 the link will expire and I won't be re uploading for now, so if you got them, yay!

Secondly, I have recieved numerous emails and comments about the Jelly Jar kit, so I have decided to bring it back one more time as a freebie on the blog. I think I'm only going to allow for 100 dls on this one, so make sure you get here to snag it in time! I hope to have it up soon.

And now to vent for a minute! Now, before you call me out, I KNOW this was my fault but it still ticks me off! Have you ever started creating something and spend tons of time on it and have a bajillion layers going on and then suddenly your computer crashes (and you forgot to save it even ONE stinkin' little time before the comp crashed?????) Ugh, I just did that and I was so MAD! I know I should have saved it a few times, but I was just in the zone and really on a creative dash to get this layout done. Okay, rag on! (hee!)

Let's see...what else? Oh, did you make it to that DST chat with MandaBean? Isn't that Angel Eyes kit beautiful? So many designers and so many things in that kit! I send my prayers and thoughts to Manda and her mom during this difficult time. I think it's so wonderful that the digi community supports one another like that. There were some fabulous prizes given away--and GUESS WHAT???

I won one of them! And wouldn't you know it, I am not even sure what I won because I was just excited to win something lol! Oh well, I know I'll find out in my email later, but I wish I knew what it was now ;) I answered the question about Elton John's real full name: Reginald Kenneth Dwight.

I'm about to go get comfy & snuggle on the couch with dh and watch a movie. He rented The Usual Suspects and some other movie that I can't remember the title to. Have a great night!


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